Rurouni Kenshin Fanfic

Rurouni Kenshin & Samurai X Original Japanese Version ©N. Watsuki/Shueisha * Fuji-TV * SME Visual Works Inc. * Sony Pictures Entertainment

All Fanfics created by Chiruken (me) were written for the sole purpose of shared entertainment and not intended for publication or sale.



The Blanket Scenario

Aoshi & Kaoru

Fanfic By:  Chiruken



Chapter 2




Aoshi studied the clearing with a slight frown.  It was obvious that there had been a building and from talking to the old timers in Otsu he was fairly certain of what had happened.  According to them, one winter about thirteen years ago a devastating fire had wiped out this area and the isolated home that stood here.  It was at that time that a young, but talented, apothecary and his wife had disappeared without a trace.  From the description he’d been given, Aoshi knew that apothecary had been the Battousai.  But the wife?  He hadn’t realized the Battousai had been married.  He must have been quite young, possibly fifteen or sixteen years old.  Aoshi was grateful that Kaoru had been preoccupied and hadn’t heard about the Battousai’s marriage.  He didn’t deal well with hysterical and emotionally distraught females.


            “I wonder if this was where Kenshin lived.  Do you know, Aoshi?  The villagers were more talkative towards you than me.”  Kaoru didn’t bother trying to hide her irritation at that fact.


            “It was because you aren’t from this area and your dialect reflects this.”  Aoshi shrugged and stepped forward.  The information he’d received about the Battousai’s past was best kept silent.  Kaoru didn’t need to hear that the man she loved had been married previously…unless it was that man in question doing the telling.  Aoshi felt it wasn’t his place to take part in this particular drama.


            Kaoru narrowed her eyes suspiciously.  Aoshi was hiding something.  She didn’t know how she knew, but she did.  Unfortunately, she also knew him well enough to know that there was no way she’d get the information out of him short of torture and even that probably wouldn’t work.  “So now what?  There isn’t anything here except some charred wood.”  She kicked some for good measure and grimaced when it disintegrated.  An object, previously hidden, caught her eye.  “What’s this?”  She bent and gingerly lifted the object that had caught her attention.  “A…spinning top?”  Sure, it was somewhat charred, but its shape was unmistakable.  “It’s a miracle it survived the fire intact.”  With a sigh she stood.  “This can’t be the place, Aoshi.”


            “Why is that?”  He frowned at the sky as he studied the movement of the clouds.  It didn’t look good.  They needed to find shelter soon.


            Kaoru held her find out to him.  “This is a child’s toy.  Kenshin couldn’t have lived here.”


            Aoshi took the top and froze.  There was something odd about this simple child’s toy.  A resonance of sorts…a very familiar resonance at that.  He stared at the ground blindly, searching his memory for the source of his growing unease.  He almost gave up when it came to him.  Blood…pain…anguish.  Whoever owned this spinning top had suffered a great deal.  He placed the spinning top in Kaoru’s hand.  It disturbed him to think of a child enduring such torment that it was transferred into the wooden toy.  “How…sad.”  He murmured softly.


            “What was that?”  Kaoru decided to hold onto the toy and take it home with her.  Something drew her to it, though she wasn’t sure why.  Maybe it was because she’d had one just like it as a child or maybe it was something else.  Whatever the reason she just couldn’t bear to leave it behind.


            “We should find shelter soon.”  Aoshi bent and lifted a remarkably well-preserved book from under another chunk of blackened wood.  He’d look at it later.  Right now he had to find a place to stay dry.  Very soon the rain promised by the gathering clouds would be on them and then it would be too late to worry about seeking shelter.  “This way.  There should be an old temple around here somewhere.”


            Kaoru sighed dejectedly.  It was a wasted trip.  She hadn’t discovered anything about Kenshin and had sore feet from walking in circles all day as a reward for her curiosity.  She followed Aoshi in silence, idly rubbing the soot from the smooth surface of the spinning top.  It was amazing that it had survived the fire.  Even more remarkable was that it still had some of its paint.  It seemed so sad, though.  She blinked back tears in surprise.  It was just an unknown child’s toy.  Why was she so affected by it?  It made no sense.  “I wonder who lived there and what happened to them.”


            Aoshi slowed his steps and glanced at his younger companion.  Perhaps he should tell her that it had been the Battousai’s home and be done with it.  But still…it made no sense to him that they’d find a child’s toy there.  Unless…His eyes widened and he quickly averted his gaze.  No, that couldn’t be it.  There was no mention of a child when the villagers spoke of the apothecary and his wife.  Of course, it would explain the Battousai’s odd fixation with children.  Aoshi had never seen a man so enchanted with children as the Battousai was.  He shook his head sharply.  It was inconceivable.  Hitokiri Battousai…a father?


**To Be Continues…**


***   ***   ***


Author’s Notes:


1.I took a few liberties with the actual timeline in the series/OAV’s and added in a few what-ifs and maybes just for fun.


2.Again, Aoshi is very OOC…and Kaoru more naďve than usual.