Rurouni Kenshin Fanfic

Rurouni Kenshin & Samurai X Original Japanese Version ©N. Watsuki/Shueisha * Fuji-TV * SME Visual Works Inc. * Sony Pictures Entertainment

All Fanfics created by Chiruken (me) were written for the sole purpose of shared entertainment and not intended for publication or sale.



The Blanket Scenario

Aoshi & Kaoru

Fanfic By:  Chiruken



Chapter 4




            “Just over that hill, huh?”  Kaoru scowled at Aoshi through her dripping hair.  “Not much further…that is what you said, isn’t it?”  She tossed her head, spraying water around her.  “Explain to me again why I’m drenched and freezing!”


            Aoshi turned away, biting back a sarcastic retort.  The Battousai had to be a Bosatsu to put up with Kamiya Kaoru and her foul temperament.  But still…he glanced at her from the corner of his eye…he rather liked her spirit.  Perhaps that was why the Battousai overlooked her personality flaws.  Aoshi could admire her for her fortitude in the face of adversity.  Most females would be in tears at this point.  He knew for a fact that the kimono she was wearing was newly purchased.


            “Fine.  Ignore me.  See if I care, you big jerk!”  Kaoru turned her back and reached up to wring as much of the water out of her hair as possible.  Aoshi’s attitude was beginning to really annoy her.  She was starting to feel very sorry indeed for poor Misao.  An eel had more feelings than Shinomori Aoshi!


            Aoshi quickly gathered some of the broken furniture around the dim room and in moments had a small fire burning brightly.  “Come stand by the fire where it’s warm…” He paused, a small smile curving his lips and wicked humor glinting in his usually cold green eyes.  Kaoru-chan.”  He finished in a carefully neutral tone.


            Kaoru spun back to him, fury burning in her eyes.  “Don’t call me ‘chan’!”  But the fire did look warm and inviting.  Reluctantly she moved closer.


            Aoshi paced around the close confines of the one room building searching for anything that could be used to aid them in their current situation.  Several minutes passed and then he held up a blanket.  “One blanket.”  He muttered under his breath.  Wonderful.  If the situation improved any more he doubted if he’d survive.  He had a feeling the Battousai would be very displeased if he learned of this little adventure of his and Kaoru’s.  The former hitokiri pretended to be clueless about the girl’s obviously tender feelings and in the process gave the impression that he didn’t return them, but Aoshi knew better.  He shook his head slightly.  Everyone knew how Himura Kenshin felt about Kamiya Kaoru.  It wasn’t that difficult to figure out.  He returned to the fire and studied his companion in silence for a moment before speaking.  “This is our current situation.  We only have enough wood to last a few hours, one blanket and no food.  The storm will pass, however it is impossible to say when. We are both soaked and this building is cold and full of drafts.  We have two options.  Shiver and suffer through it and possibly catch pneumonia or…” He trailed off, reluctant to continue.  Retribution, he knew, would be swift in coming from the Battousai when he discovered the truth.


            “Or what?”  Kaoru prompted with wide, almost frightened eyes.  She had an idea of what he was getting at.  She fervently hoped she was wrong.


            Aoshi sighed inwardly and shrugged.  “Or we remove our wet clothing and let it dry by the fire while sharing the blanket.”


            Kaoru felt heat rush into her face.  She’d been afraid that was what he’d say.  Modesty warred with common sense until finally practicality won out.  “All right, but turn your back and if I catch you peeking you’ll be sorry.”


            “I assure you, your modesty is safe with me.”  Aoshi replied dryly as he dutifully turned away.


            Kaoru scowled, uncertain whether she’d just been insulted or not, but quickly set about removing her soaked kimono.  Or rather, tried to.  Gritting her teeth she tugged at the obi and finally groaned inwardly.  Face burning with embarrassment she swallowed her pride.  “Aoshi…I need some help.”


            “I beg your pardon?”  Aoshi was almost afraid to find out.


            “My obi…I can’t untie it now that it’s wet.  The knot won’t budge.”


            Aoshi closed his eyes and slowly counted back from ten, seeking a calm he was far from feeling.  Before he could finish his control snapped and a chuckle escaped, then another, until he was bent double with laughter.


            Kaoru stared at him in stunned silence.  Shinomori Aoshi was…laughing?  The man who never smiled was actually…laughing?  She could scarcely believe what her eyes and ears were telling her.  It didn’t matter that his amusement was at her expense.  No, this was simply a wonderful development.  She grinned in response, and then soon she, too, was laughing.  Misao would be delighted to find out that her ‘Aoshi-sama’ was finally becoming human.


            Aoshi straightened slowly and turned to face Kaoru.  “Thank you.”  He stated it simply as he approached her.  He couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt the urge to laugh.  “Turn around.”  She did as he ordered with a grin he found himself returning until he saw the obi in question.  With a sigh he studied the knot then shook his head ruefully before attacking the problem.  Damned foolish, that’s what these elaborate knots were.  As far as he was concerned women should stick to something more practical for attire…like Misao did.  He doubted she’d ever find herself in such a ridiculous predicament.


**To Be Continued…**


***   ***   ***


Author’s Notes:


1.Woohoo!  Chapter 4!  Yay!


2.I have no idea how obi’s are tied.  I just used my imagination and forced it to fit into my story.  If I’m not accurate, I apologize.


3.Yet again, another short chapter.  As I said before…I keep things short, not out of perversity, but because I prefer to not be hassled with inconsistencies within chapters.


4.Late night catching up with me…So the other 6 chapters will have to wait until another time.  Gomen nasai.  >>bows deeply in apology<<


5.Also, this temple is supposed to be the one from the OAVs, the one where Tomoe met with her untimely demise.  Again, I took A LOT of liberties here.


6.This is the updated version…with the definitions included at the bottom rather than in the middle of the fic.  Hope it makes it easier to read.  I’ll try to get the rest of the chapters fixed up ASAP, ‘k?  Any future fics will NOT be written with the definitions in the main body of the text.  I don’t like giving myself more work than absolutely necessary---I’m allergic to work, you know.  (Yes, I’m aware that this is the same note I used in all the other chapters.  As I said:  Less work, Chiruken happy!)




Bosatsu:  reincarnation of Buddha with unlimited compassion


Kaoru-chan:  little Kaoru [-chan is used after a person’s given name to express intimacy and affection; -chan is also used as a diminutive for children and pets]


obi:  kimono sash


Aoshi-sama:  Lord Aoshi