Rurouni Kenshin Fanfic

Rurouni Kenshin & Samurai X Original Japanese Version ©N. Watsuki/Shueisha * Fuji-TV * SME Visual Works Inc. * Sony Pictures Entertainment

All Fanfics created by Chiruken (me) were written for the sole purpose of shared entertainment and not intended for publication or sale.



The Blanket Scenario

Saito & Kaoru

Fanfic By:  Chiruken



Chapter 6





                Kaoru watched in fascination as what appeared to be a blush crept into Saito’s face as he stared at her.  “Um…Saito…“  He didn’t reply.  “You’re…um…starting to make me nervous.”  Still no answer.  “Say something, would you?”


            Saito closed his mouth with a snap and strode across the room to retrieve her haori.  “It has buttons for a reason, Kaoru-chan.  I’d suggest using them unless you don’t mind leaving nothing to the imagination.”


            Kaoru blinked uncertainly and glanced down.  It took several moments for her mind to catch up with her eyes.  A hot flush of humiliated embarrassment crept up her neck into her face.  “Oh.  I…see.”  She whispered breathlessly and quickly pulled the edges of the jacket closed.


            Saito glanced down at her bowed head and quickly looked away.  He cleared his throat before attempting to speak.  “It was an honest mistake, Kaoru-chan.”  Honestly stupid, he silently added.  “We’ll forget this incident ever occurred.  Agreed?”


            Kaoru blinked back tears of humiliation.  “Thank you, Saito.”  She’d even overlook his continued use of the childish address considering how noble he was being about her accidental exposure.  “Do you think those men will be back?”


            “Probably.  I believe we are currently occupying their hideout.”  It was time to conduct a thorough search of the house.  “I have a feeling those three are up to no good.  There may be more accomplices.  Be on your alert for trouble.”  He turned to face her fully.  “If anything happens, tanuki girl, stay out of the way.”


            “Under other circumstances, Saito, I’d be insulted.  But you’re right.  With my ankle like this I’m pretty much useless.  I promise, if anything happens I’ll just crawl away and hide in a corner.”


            He nodded his approval.  “Good girl.”  He set about searching the house thoroughly, not overlooking even one corner or pile of dirt.  What he came up with confirmed his suspicions.  This was a true dokuhebi nest.  He returned to the fire, expression grim.


            “I take it you found something?”  Kaoru held out the blanket to him as he nodded.  “Well?  What is it?”  He held up a small but distinctive packet.  “Opium?”


            “Very good.  Now, can you guess what’s concealed under the floor?”


            “Um…More opium?”  She offered hesitantly in a small voice.


            He shook his head.  “Firearms.”  He crouched beside her slowly.  “Things aren’t looking very good, Kaoru-chan.  Those men aren’t going to wait patiently for us to leave.  Nor are they likely to just ask us to leave either.  This is a very serious and likely volatile situation.  It is unlikely that there are only three of them.”


            “In other words we’re in deep kuso.”  She ignored his startled look.  “So…what now?”


            “This is the way it is.  If we try leaving they’ll pick us off as easily as a child playing kingyo-sukui.  Add to that is the fact that even if we did manage a miraculous escape, they’d have the evidence moved faster than we could say masaka.”


            “So what you’re saying is I’m going to have to learn to crawl really fast.”  She sighed in resignation.  “I can help you, Saito.  Find me a broom and help me up.  I can watch your back while you’re preoccupied with the front.”


            Saito shook his head slowly.  The girl had more courage than common sense.  He finally understood what drew the Battousai to this young and somewhat naïve girl.


**To Be Continued…**






Author’s Notes:


1.Sorry this took so long to post.  You know how it is…stuff happens.  I’d intended to have this chapter up yesterday, but it’s really hard to concentrate with a 2-½ year old running around, falling out of bed, and calling for the proverbial glass of water.  >sigh< Such is life.  (Yes, I was watching my Great-Niece again, my own version of Suzume-chan.)


2.Thanks again for all the reviews, mina-san!  It really gives me encouragement to continue writing.


3.Saito is WAY OOC!  (I LOVE doing that to the men & women of the RK universe!…I'm so evil.)


4.>gack< This chappie is even shorter than usual!  Gomen nasai, mina-san!  I'll try to do better in the future!






dokuhebi:  viper; literally poisonous snake


kuso:  1.feces  2.Damn it!  S—t!


kingyo-sukui:  goldfish dipping


masaka:  Well!  Indeed!  Really!