Recently I have found myself rereading all my earlier posted fics and I’ve been finding something lacking in them. After some thought I’ve decided that what I wasn’t pleased with was mostly the length of the chapters…or rather lack there of.
So as an effort to improve my writing, I’ve decided to revise my
fics, starting with “A Meiji Murder”.
As I revise the chapters, I’ll repost them to FFn and also to my
website, Chiruken’s Palace (
Each chapter is going to go through some drastic changes…in fact
several of the chapters are going to be combined to make longer, more
meaningful chapters. Added to this I’ve
also been adding to the story itself in each chapter as well.
I made the decision to revise based on reading over past reviews
and comments. Thank you everyone who
has read and reviewed “A Meiji Murder” and all my other fics. I’ve noticed that many of the comments are
based on the length of the chapters. As
such, I’ve decided to take everyone’s advice and attempt to lengthen them. Again, I appreciate the constructive
criticism and hope that I’ll be able to improve my writing skills through all
the wonderful reviews I’ve been receiving since I first began posting to FFn last
As such I’ll be removing the original posting within a few days
and reposting “A Meiji Murder” slowly as each chapter is newly finished. I’m hoping that by doing so I’ll be able to
spark my “muses” into returning to this fic and helping me to actually finish
it now that I’ve found most of my notes again.
Though the general content of each chapter will be essentially
the same, please note that major revisions have been made and many of the
chapters will have additions made to them.
Again, thanks bunchies everyone who’s read and reviewed…see? I WAS listening! I hope you’ll enjoy the new and, hopefully improved, version of
“A Meiji Murder”.
Please stayed tuned, the new version will be out within a day or