Rurouni Kenshin Fanfic

Rurouni Kenshin & Samurai X Original Japanese Version © N.Watsuki/Shueisha * Fuji-TV * SME Visual Works Inc. * Sony Pictures Entertainment

All Fanfics created by Chiruken (me) were written for the sole purpose of shared entertainment and not intended for publication or sale.




by Chiruken

Chapter 8







        Kaoru smiled for her husband, though truthfully she felt like curling up into a little ball and crying until the hurt went away.  He’s leaving…he’s leaving me again.  She stepped forward and placed her arms around him, holding him close as she pressed her cheek against his in a gesture of affection.  “Be safe, anata.”  She whispered near his ear.


        Kenshin pulled his wife into his arms and held her tightly against his chest, for a moment rethinking his decision to leave to wander again in pursuit of atonement.  He wanted to be with her…his chosen partner, the woman he loved.  He closed his eyes and committed the feel of her in his arms, the scent of her perfume, the sound of her voice…all of it…to his memory.  Kami-sama but I’m going to miss her!  Finally he pulled away, reluctantly, and opened his eyes to gaze into the unfathomable sapphire depths staring up at him with unshed tears sparkling on the tips of the dark lashes framing them.  “Koishii…” He whispered before tenderly pressing his lips to her temple.  “I will write, that I will.”


        Kaoru nodded emphatically, blinking back her tears.  “Often.  Write often, Kenshin.”  She sniffed and smiled brightly for him, not wanting his last sight of her to be one of a weak and weepy woman.


        “I promise, that I do.”  He looked around with a slight frown.  “Where is Kenji?”  When she didn’t answer, just bit her lip and looked away he sighed and shook his head sadly.  “I see.”  He murmured softly, his sadness reflected in his expressive violet eyes.  “Tell him…” He paused for a moment, searching for the right words.  Finally he sighed and stepped back, slowly turning towards the front gate.  “Tell him his ‘Tou-san is sorry.”  His steps slowly took him across the yard and out the gate onto his chosen road of atonement, wandering once again, only this time with the loving support of his wife and the promise of a home to return to rather than the endless miles stretching before him into an eternity of loneliness.


        From a tree just outside the gates a small form watched the rurouni’s departure with narrowed blue eyes, expression full of hurt anger and resentment.  Small hands clenched into tight fists Kenji watched his father’s retreating form intently, waiting to see if he would turn around and return, only to be disappointed.  Soon Kenshin was completely out of sight, only the memory of his slow steps and straight back were left for Kenji to direct his anger towards.  Climbing out of the tree, the boy slowly made his way inside halting abruptly when he saw his mother’s disapproving frown.  “Kenji.”  Even her tone conveyed a high level of disapproval.


        “Yes, ‘Ka-san?”  He asked softly, shuffling his feet and looking up at her with his eyes widened slightly into an innocently questioning expression.  His father always fell for the look, so he assumed his mother would as well and let him continue on his way.


        “Don’t look at me like that.  I’m not your ‘Tou-san and I won’t be duped by that falsely innocent look.”  Kenji blinked in surprise at her harsh tone.  His mother had never spoken to him like this before.  “I’m very disappointed in you, Kenji.  Where were you?  Your ‘Tou-san wanted to see you before he left.”


        “Why?”  Kenji closed his hands into fists and glared up at her with fury blazing in his eyes.  “He doesn’t care.  If he did he wouldn’t have left.  I hate him!”  Shouting the last as he turned and ran out the gate, the boy didn’t see the pained expression on his mother’s face nor the tears in her eyes as his words echoed off the walls of the doujou.


        Biting her lip hard enough to draw a tiny drop of blood, Kaoru slowly made her way across the yard to sit on the engawa, her tears finally falling now that she was alone.  She felt as if she’d lost two very important people in one day…both her husband and her son.  Raising her hands she covered her face and wept, her sobs shaking her slight form as the tears fell unchecked.  She hadn’t been able to cry while Kenshin was still there…he hated to see her cry, as if he felt he was responsible for every little hurt that befell her…and she’d wanted his last view of her to be a smile to remember during his journey.


        “Kaoru?”  Yahiko ran to her side quickly, setting the sakabatou on the smoothly polished surface beside him.  “Kaoru, what is it?  Is it Kenji?  Are you hurt?  Sick?”  His frown deepened when each question met with a quick shake of her head.  “Tell me.  What’s happened?”  He awkwardly placed his arms around her trembling shoulders and hugged her comfortingly.


        Kaoru sniffed and returned his embrace briefly, shocked despite herself.  When had Yahiko become so mature?  Pulling back slowly she wiped her tears on her sleeve and drew in a shuddering breath.  “Kenshin has become rurouni again.”  She whispered softly by way of explanation.


        Eyes widening in shock, Yahiko pulled back and shook his head slowly in denial.  “No.  No, Kenshin wouldn’t…”


        With a sad smile she nodded and patted the boards beside her.  “Yes, Yahiko.  He was so unhappy…” She shook her head and blinked back more tears.  “He still believes himself unclean, in need of atonement.  That is why he left.”


        “I see.”  He raised his eyes to the sky and watched a bird circling lazily overhead.  “How long ago did he leave?”


        “Ten minutes ago.”  She sighed again.  “Kenji…he refused to see Kenshin before he left.”  She lowered her voice to a whisper.  “Then he…he said that he hated his ‘Tou-san.”  Tears filled her eyes again.


        “Where is he now?”  Yahiko couldn’t understand how anyone could hate Kenshin, never mind his own son.  He intended to have a word or two with the boy to set him straight.


        “I don’t know.  Leave him be, Yahiko.  He needs time.  He’s hurt and confused right now.”  She forced a smile and nodded towards the gate.  “Go after, Kenshin…I know you want to.”


        He shook his head slowly and leaned against the support post, his hand resting lightly on the saya of the sakabatou he’d received for his genpuku.  “No, Kaoru, I can’t.  Kenshin wouldn’t want it that way.  Did he say when he’d return?”


        “No…but he promised to write often.”  Kaoru smiled a little more naturally.  “Thank you, Yahiko.”


        He frowned uncertainly.  “For what?”


                    “For being you.”  She whispered as she rested her head against his shoulder companionably.  “You’re like a brother to me, Yahiko…” The breeze rustled through leaves of the trees growing near the doujou as soft white clouds drifted lazily by casting their shadows on the hard packed dirt of the yard spread out before them.


                    Yahiko smiled, feeling warmth spreading throughout him as he placed his arm across her shoulders and squeezed lightly,, resting his head against the top of hers.  “Yeah.  We’re a family.”  He grinned, remembering the first time he’d met Kaoru and Kenshin.  It seems so long ago…so much has happened, so much has changed.  He looked up at the sound of tinkling wind chimes.  Come home soon, Kenshin…






Mamorigami:  Guardian (Deity)

Shuppatsu: departures; start