Rurouni Kenshin Fanfic

Rurouni Kenshin & Samurai X Original Japanese Version © N.Watsuki/Shueisha * Fuji-TV * SME Visual Works Inc. * Sony Pictures Entertainment

All Fanfics created by Chiruken (me) were written for the sole purpose of shared entertainment and not intended for publication or sale.



The Blanket Scenario

Hiko & Kaoru

by Chiruken

Chapter 2




        Hiko scowled irritably and shifted his grip on the items he was carrying, keeping them as far from himself as humanly possible.  So far his tally included the umbrella, haori, zouri…and its mate…one miserable tabi and a rather familiar hair ribbon…indigo in colour.  There had better be an individual belonging to these things around the next bend or he was leaving them there and going home.


        He sighed inwardly, knowing he was only fooling himself.  He couldn’t leave anyone out half-naked at this time of year, soaked and probably half-drowned…especially not if his suspicions proved to be true.  His baka deshi would never forgive him if he left Kaoru-chan to freeze.  From the recent letter he’d received from Kenshin, he could only deduce that Kaoru’s amazing streak of bad luck had followed her to his mountain.


        He shook his head and continued to march steadily upwards, following the path with practiced ease.  He knew the area like the back of his hand, the terrain was as familiar as his home.  Nothing could surprise him.


        Hiko’s steps faltered and he stumbled over a branch that hadn’t been on the path that morning.  He scowled at the offending piece of wood and kicked it out of the way, surreptiously scanning the surrounding area for possible witnesses to his uncharacteristic display of embarrassing clumsiness.  Not a soul in sight.  Satisfied, he continued on his way, secure in the knowledge that his rare moment of blundering gracelessness had gone unobserved.


        He scanned the rushing stream as he made his way up the increasingly narrow path, searching for the owner of the dripping clothing he was carting up the hill.  He frowned, beginning to feel genuine concern as no one came into sight.  Did the foolish girl go and drown herself?  If so, where was her body?  Hiko scowled, caught between annoyance and worry.


        “H-help!”  Hiko blinked and looked around quickly at the faint, but distinctly feminine cry.  He moved cautiously closer to the crumbling embankment and peered over.


        His lips twitched in amusement and he shook his head with a low chuckle.  “Why, Kaoru-chan, whatever are you doing?”  He raised his voice to be heard over the rushing water.


        Startled blue eyes flew up to meet the amused black stare.  “H-Hiko-san!”  Kaoru tightened her faltering grip on the slimy, mud-coated tree root, teeth chattering with cold.


        Hiko crouched and held out the tabi.  “Yours, I presume?”  With seeming casual nonchalance he studied the situation, expression tightening imperceptibly.  The foolish girl had indeed brought her foul luck with her.


        Kaoru stared up at him with wide, terrified eyes.  “Um…Hiko-san…there’s no time for bad jokes!”


        Hiko scowled in mock anger.  “Bad jokes?  I’ll have you know that most intelligent and civilized people find me rather amusing.”  He shifted and reached down, grasping the back of her soaked kimono and plucking her out of the icy water and mud.  Kaoru’s teeth were chattering hard enough he wondered how they were still intact.  He held her up with surprising ease and studied her furious blue gaze with an amused smirk.  “Say thank you, Kaoru-chan.”

**To Be Continued…**





Tabi:  split-toed socks