It's modern day.  The streets are rife with violence; corporations are corrupt; assassinations, commonplace.  Himura Kenshin, known only as Battousai, is a shadow assassin for an organization so secret even he doesn't know who truly runs it.  BUT Battousai has an even bigger secret; one that if it were ever discovered would mean more than his would end in the total annihilation of his soul.  Battousai is not only the deadliest assassin to ever prowl the dark streets of night...he is also a vampire, one of the oldest still in existence…and a rarity among his kind.


He has a soul.



Rurouni Kenshin & Samurai X Original Japanese Version ©N. Watsuki/Shueisha * Fuji-TV * SME Visual Works Inc. * Sony Pictures Entertainment


All Fanfics created by Chiruken (me) were written for the sole purpose of shared entertainment and not intended for publication or sale.



Tears of Eternity

by:  Chiruken




Chapter 3



        Kaoru, eyes wide, the blue nearly obscured by pupils dilated by fear, peered through the growing shadowy gloom and wrapped her slender arms around herself in an attempt to hide her body’s trembling.  The sun was setting, sinking beneath the distant horizon, a blood-red ball of fire, illuminating the scene with spotty patches of rich orange light as the clouds scuttled across the rapidly darkening sky.   Suddenly the dark clouds gathered in one place and released their load, drenching the unsuspecting earth in torrents of wind driven rain.  All was silent save for the steady rhythm of falling rain.  Kaoru pulled back into the relative shelter of a nearby doorway and shivered in the chill, eyes darting around the darkened street frantically, searching for the cause of her uneasiness.


        “It’s the perfect night for an assassination.”  She whispered, then blinked, startled by the odd words.  She stared up at the night sky, the moon concealed behind the clouds, enabling anyone in the streets to blend with the shadows.  “The sound of the rain will mask my steps…” With a gasp, Kaoru bolted from her hiding place and ran into the night.  “What’s wrong with me?”  She whispered desperately as she stumbled through the rain, tripping on a loose stone and nearly falling.  After catching her balance again she continued her headlong flight up the deserted street.  Ahead, she saw a shapeless form looming out of the shadows and, frightened, she ducked down an alley, finally coming to a skidding halt, bent double with her hands braced against her knees as she drew in deep gasping breaths of the heavy, rain-drenched night air.


        Sensing that she wasn’t alone, she straightened and searched the gloom surrounding her in the alley, ignoring the assailing odors emanating from the heaps of unrecognizable piles pushed up against the walls.  Suppressing a shudder of revulsion, she strove to ignore the movements clearly defined by the illuminating flashes of lightning and the glow of beady eyes close to the ground.  She hated rats.  The next flash of lightning had her staggering back, the back of her hand pressed against her mouth as she bit her knuckles in an effort to keep her scream silent.  Before her, looming up out of the stygian darkness was an apparition so terrifying as to appear almost demonic.


        The next bolt of lightning forking across the sky glinted off of something metallic, revealing the blade of a sword.  Kaoru’s eyes widened in shock as the next explosive burst of light revealed a second sword, slightly shorter than the first.  The man was dressed in dark clothing, including a long knee-length cloak that hid details of his form from view, though he seemed vaguely familiar to her.  Standing before the cloaked figure was a large man holding a revolver in a hand shaking with fear and cold.  Kaoru shook her head sharply.  “This is ridiculous.”  She muttered under her breath as she took a slow step closer to the two drenched forms before her.  Nobody faced a gun with only a sword.  It just didn’t happen in the modern world.  The next instant Kaoru staggered back a horrified cry torn from her as the darkly clad man with the swords moved with inhuman speed, the steel of his blade arcing through the air, lightning reflected in its cold mirror-like surface before plunging into the other man’s chest to emerge from his back.


        Stumbling, Kaoru fell and in her terror she began to pull herself back frantically, eyes never leaving the form of the killer, her breath coming in ragged pants as the rain plastered her dark hair to her neck and cheeks, the blue ribbon from her high pony-tail coming loose to fall to the muddy ground.  With growing panic she used both her hands and heels to propel herself back, away from the spreading rivers of blood seeking her out.  She couldn’t allow it to touch her…she just couldn’t!…but no matter how fast she tried to move, it continued to inch towards her, rapidly closing the distance, stretching out red fingers towards her feet.  Sobbing with fear and desperation, Kaoru pulled her feet away from the seeking redness and screamed when her back hit a wall, signaling the end of the alley.  “No!”  She cried breathlessly.  It was a dead-end!


        Slowly the man with the bloodstained sword turned to face her, features hidden by the fall of his hair and the driving rain in the darkness of the storm ridden night.  Kaoru pressed herself against the wall and prayed for a miracle that would cause him to forget about her and make him leave.  A soft whimper escaped her trembling lips when he took a slow step towards her as he lifted his sword, blood dripping from the exposed blade.  Seemingly of their own volition her eyes moved from the bloodied sword to his face.  Kaoru recoiled in fear and revulsion as her gaze felling on the blood splattered across his face, apparently forgotten.  His face was a cold mask, utterly devoid of mercy or any other gentle emotion, seeming as if a smile never lifted the corners of his lips.  The features were both young and old at once.  The smooth, wrinkle-free appearance of youth a startling contrast to the weariness only the aged can know.  It was the face of one who had known too few joys and too many griefs. 


He wiped the blade clean with a cloth he pulled from inside his cloak and slid it into the sheath at his side, carefully pulling the edges of his cloak closed, concealing the deadly weapons he wore with casual ease.  Kaoru blinked rain out of her eyes and continued to examine the man slowly approaching her, his steps sounding loud over the driving rain in the close confines of the narrow alley.  She cringed back when he stopped before her, close enough she could reach out and grasp the edges of his dark cloak.  She gasped when he suddenly crouched down and grasped her chin with strong, blood-coated fingers.  Kaoru felt her stomach rebel at the sight, and then squeezed her eyes shut tight as she felt a morbid urge to taste the blood.  “What are you doing here?”  She jumped at the harsh tones sounding loud in the empty passage, echoing off the walls surrounding them like a canyon.  She tried to shake her head, opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out and his grip allowed no movement.  He shook her slightly.  “Answer me.”  The command was unmistakable.


Hesitantly Kaoru opened her eyes and found herself trembling anew.  His eyes…they were both cold and merciless, yet heated with a fierce possessiveness as he stared at her.  Who was this man?  The question sounded loud and desperate in her mind.  “I-I..”  The words wouldn’t emerge and she found herself stammering, her gaze locked with the smoldering amber depths so close that she almost felt the heat of his stare.  All seeing, all knowing, judging the victims moves before even he is aware of what he’ll do, seeing into the depths of his heart and mind…She swallowed, then licked her lips nervously as his head bent closer to hers.  “Wh-who are you?”  She whispered, leaning closer, afraid he would answer; afraid he wouldn’t; but even worse was wanting to close the distance entirely.  She found herself mesmerized by the frightening intensity of the golden gaze.


“You should not be here.”  With those harsh words, Kaoru found herself flung back almost violently, her head hitting the hard concrete of the wall behind her.  “Leave!”


She jerked forward, a hoarse cry being torn from her as she awakened abruptly from the nightmare.  Lifting a shaking hand, she brushed her damp hair out of her eyes and let out a ragged sigh.  “A nightmare.  It was just a nightmare…again.”  Leaning over she switched on the bedside lamp, taking momentary comfort in the soft, muted glow of the underwater patterns reflected on the ceiling of her bedroom before the terror of the nightmare reasserted itself once again.  Shivering, she pushed her blankets off and swung her legs off the low, pine futon, bending forward, letting her head rest between her knees, eyes shut tight as she drew in deep breaths in an effort to calm herself and settle her roiling stomach.  For a moment she thought it wasn’t going to work as she felt her stomach heave, then it settled again and she wiped the cold sweat from her forehead slowly.


The frequency of the nightmares was increasing dramatically.  Every time it was the same…someone always died and it was always the same man who killed them…a man who was frighteningly familiar, yet she couldn’t name him, neither in the dream, nor in wakefulness.  She just knew that they were somehow connected.  Slowly she stood and reached for her comfortable robe, tying the frayed belt tightly around her waist before quietly opening the door and peeking out.  When she didn’t see Misao, she tiptoed into the kitchenette.  Reaching up, she opened a cupboard door and pulled out a chipped glass and leaned on the counter as she turned on the cold water tap, watching the clear liquid flow down the drain of the dull stainless steel kitchen sink, idly dipping her fingers into the steady stream, testing the temperature.  After drinking her fill, she rinsed the glass and returned it to the cupboard before crossing to the large window overlooking the unlit parking lot.


She felt odd, almost detached from herself, as she stared out into the night.  Everything seemed so clear, the darkness of the moonless night lighter than it should be.  Her eyes moved over the wet, puddle ground and she shivered.  How was it that she could see with such stunning clarity in the middle of the night?  Leaning her forehead against the cool glass, she closed her eyes, and feeling the sting of unshed tears she wrapped her arms about herself and silently wept.  Please…She thought brokenly.  What’s wrong with me?  She gazed up at the sky, eyes moving over the feeble pinpricks of light as the stars tried to shine through the dispersing clouds.  I don’t want to be alone…  She drew in a shuddering breath and reached up to swipe at the tears on her pale cheeks, then froze, her eyes going round in shock.


Clearly, distinctly, in her mind, she heard a soft voice, the masculine tones gentle, so tender and warm, she felt immediately comforted.  You are not alone…Never alone…


**To Be Continued…**
