One Shot's    Series    Song Fic's

Chiruken's Poetry

Rated: G
Summary: Though her life ended tragically, Tomoe-san did have a lasting influence on Battousai.

Rated: G
Summary: Dark look at the colours of Battousai.

The Dragon
Rated: G
Summary: A sleeping dragon, once roused, is fiercesome indeed...

The Assassin
Rated: PG
Summary: A short poem depicting Hitokiri Battousai.

Three In One
Rated: G
Summary: Another look at the different personalities that make up Himura Kenshin.

The Cycle Broken
Rated: G
Summary: Kenshin's life was often dark and full of angst, though not always hopeless.

The Faces Of Himura
Rated: G
Summary: The differnt personas of Himura Kenshin and the roles they played throughout his life in a short poem-fic.